Elliott Johnson

The Coroner today ruled that the Inquest into the death of Elliott Johnson will inquire into the circumstances in which Elliott lost his job.

These included the incident of 12 August and Elliott’s complaint about it to the Conservative Party Headquarters. Elliott’s complaint was that he had been bullied and assaulted by Mark Clarke. A link to the ruling is here.

Ray Johnson, Elliott’s father says:

“I’m pleased that the Coroner has decided to investigate Elliott’s dismissal by CWF. It’s good the Coroner recognises the link between the dismissal and Mark Clarke. This is a really important step forward for the family.The Coroner also wants to hear a tape that Donal Blaney mentions – I would too as I don’t know what that is.

The Coroner says it is hard to see at this stage what the point would be in calling Mark Clarke and Andre Walker as witnesses. He says they would simply deny the bullying – I am not sure why he says that. He also says he will keep an open mind in relation to any further information. So maybe this will change at a later stage”.

The Coroner has not given a full witness list, but has mentioned that Paul Abbott will have to deal with correspondence between CWF and Elliott. The witness list, disclosure and dates will be subject to further submissions and rulings. We do not know whether the Coroner will require these in writing or at a hearing.

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