Good Law Project – Judicial Review against the Electoral Commission

DPG is instructed by the Good Law Project in this claim.

The final hearing of the judicial review claim against the Electoral Commission is being heard by the Divisional Court today. The claim started off challenging the Electoral Commission’s decision not to investigate whether Vote Leave and BeLeave were “working together” in breach of the rules. Following the issue of proceedings, the Electoral Commission opened an investigation and the outcome of this is expected within the next few weeks.

The claim continues on the issue of whether, if Vote Leave donated services of AggregateIQ to BeLeave, the cost of those services would count towards Vote Leave’s spending cap. If the claim is successful, the inevitable result will be that Vote Leave spent more than Parliament permitted it to spend.

The claim is being crowdfunded – please click here for the crowd funding page.

The legal team is Jessica Simor QC of Matrix Chambers, Tom Cleaver of Blackstone Chambers, and Polly Glynn & Harriet Davies of Deighton Pierce Glynn.

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