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The parents of Natasha Abrahart have said they are “deeply offended” by University of Bristol’s refusal to apologise for contributing to the 20-year-old’s death by discriminating against her. Dr Robert Abrahart, Natasha’s father said “It feels like yet another insult from people who really only...

The Home Office has granted citizenship to DPG client Sayed Ahmed Alwadaei, a prominent Bahrain Pro-Democracy and Human Rights Activist, after he challenged the lawfulness of over 3 years of delays in deciding his application. Pre-action letters challenging the lawfulness of these lengthy delays were sent...

On 23 May 2024 the High Court dismissed our client’s (Carralyn Parkes) judicial review in Parkes v Dorset Council, [2024] EWHC 1253, which argued that Dorset Council has the power to enforce planning authority over the Bibby Stockholm barge. Our client is disappointed that a loophole...

Unkha Banda has been selected to participate in the hugely prestigious US Government International Visitor Leadership Program on Strategic Litigation for Social Change. The project was designed by U.S. Embassy London to support practitioners in the UK in developing a better understanding of how legal...

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