Water resale: DPG partner interviewed by BBC

BBC London has reported on the further developments in DPG’s Southwark water overcharging case in their evening and late TV news bulletins on 23 August 2016.

Southwark Council is now in the process of paying back £28 million to 74,000 tenants who were overcharged. However, in the BBC piece DPG partner Gareth Mitchell discussed the plight of former tenants evicted for alleged arrears comprised solely or in part of unlawful water and sewerage charges.

Commenting on the response of Southwark Council leader, Peter John, Mr Mitchell said: “Southwark Council is to be commended for suspending possession claims currently going through the courts until refunds have been paid. However, Southwark Council must start reviewing historic eviction cases and make contact with those who may not have lost their homes were it not for these unlawful charges.”

See http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b07nr3xt/london-news-late-news-23082016 .

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