24 Aug Challenge To Government’s Failure To Publish COVID-19 Contracts
Good Law Project and 3 Cross-party MPs have launched a judicial review to challenge the Government’s repeated failures to lawfully publish contract award notices, in respect of contracts connected to Covid-19, which have been awarded.
The Claimants challenge the widespread systemic failure of the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care to comply with his duty under regulation 50 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 and Government policy to publish, within 30 days, contract award notices in respect of contracts for goods and services, worth over £10,000.
It is apparent to the Claimants that contracts awarded in relation to COVID-19 matters have routinely breached regulation 50, with contract award notices routinely being published late and have breached the duty to publish the contract itself.
Details of the case as reported are here. Further updates on the case can be found are here. If you are in a position to support the legal challenge, you can do so here.
The Good Law Project has instructed Adam Hundt and Ugo Hayter of Deighton Pierce Glynn, and Jason Coppell QC and Chris Knight of 11KBW Chambers.
For further information please contact info@goodlawproject.org or Jolyon Maugham at 07905 246 380, or Adam Hundt (ahundt@dpglaw.co.uk)