10 May Court of Appeal hears ‘Serious Shortage Protocols’ Case
On Friday 10 May 2019 the Court of Appeal will hear the application to appeal against the High Court’s decision to refuse a challenge to the legality of the Government’s powers to make Serious Shortage Protocols (SSPs) that would allow pharmacists to alter prescriptions for people with serious medical conditions, such as epilepsy, in the event of medicines shortages.
The hearing will be streamed live on youtube. The link can be accessed here.
Details of the case as reported previously are here. The Shadow Secretary of State for Health & Social Care has written about the case here. Further updates on the case can be found here and here.
The Good Law Project has instructed Adam Hundt and Ugo Hayter of Deighton Pierce Glynn, and Stephen Knafler QC and Yaaser Vanderman of Landmark Chambers.
For further information please contact info@goodlawproject.org or Jolyon Maugham at 07905 246 380, or Adam Hundt (ahundt@dpglaw.co.uk)