07 Apr Home Office agree to treat Sch 10 applications urgently
As a result of our client’s litigation, the Home Office amended its Immigration Bail policy at the end of February 2020 to confirm that Schedule 10 applications for non-detained nationals should be determined within 5 days or less, and within 2 days for vulnerable groups (see page 59), putting it in line with s4 decision making guidance.
The Home Office have also confirmed once a non-detained national’s Sch 10 application has been approved, if dispersal accommodation isn’t immediately available, they may immediately access Initial Accommodation.
The court order is available here.
Sasha Rozansky, Robyn Taylor and Georgina Colgate-Stone from Deighton Pierce Glynn were instructed in this claim with Counsel Shu Shin Luh of Garden Court Chambers.