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The Home Office has suspended its policy of switching people from the 5 year to the 10 year family route to settlement if they need recourse to public funds, pending a review of that policy. The ‘no recourse to public funds’ policy, as it is known,...

On 15 February 2022 the Supreme Court hears the case of Coughlan v Minister for the Cabinet Office, a judicial review challenging the UK government’s introduction of voter ID schemes during UK local elections in May 2019.  The claimant in the case argues that clear...

The Brook House Inquiry, set up to investigate mistreatment and abuse of detained people by G4S in Brook House, commenced public hearings  on 23 November 2021. The Brook House Inquiry is unprecedented. It is the first public inquiry into immigration detention in the United Kingdom. The Inquiry...

Our client’s judicial review was heard today by the High Court. The case concerns those people affected by the NHS charging regime and specifically the correct interpretation of Regulation 3(1A) of the NHS Overseas Visitors Regulations 2015. Significant amendments were made to the Charging Regulations by...

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