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Next Monday and Tuesday 13 and 14 March, women’s groups will intervene in a hearing in the Supreme Court, which will decide whether the police owe an actionable legal duty to investigative the crimes of ‘black cab rapist’, John Worboys. The appeal arises from an historic...

Following the Supreme Court’s judgment on cohabitee pension rights, Deighton Pierce Glynn partner Gareth Mitchell is The Times’ Lawyer of the Week. To view the piece online click here or for the print edition click here. Denise Brewster’s success has also received widespread media coverage both on...

Following a split decision in the Court of Appeal, our clients intend to continue their campaign and legal fight to open up civil partnerships to mixed-sex couples. On 21 February 2017, the Court of Appeal handed down judgment in the case brought by Rebecca Steinfeld and...

Deighton Pierce Glynn client Denise Brewster has won a ground-breaking appeal on cohabitee discrimination in the Supreme Court. Ms Brewster, a 42 year old sports centre supervisor from Coleraine, lived with her partner Lenny McMullan for 10 years. They became engaged to be married on Christmas...

MoJ figures published for 2016 show there were 119 self-inflicted deaths in prison, the highest number in a calendar year since current recording practices began in 1978. 7 of those deaths in 2016 were of men held in HMP Woodhill. The highest number in the prison...

Following David Cary’s successful case against the Met, the Mayor of London has confirmed to GLA member Andrew Dismore that he will secure the development of equality measures within the Met. See the written question and answer below: Homophobic discrimination Question No: 2016/4874 Andrew Dismore David Cary secured an impressive...

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